Minimum Viable Blog


My blog is (barely) ready to go live! I have a blog with the barest of bones working, and it's time to put it into action. This should be built in such a way that I can make changes to the style and layout at my discretion going forward. Rather than trying to get everything perfect before putting it out there, I believe it better to get something working on the sooner side.

Prioritizing the "minimum viable product" is something I learned from a YouTube video from Extra Credits. I'm not so much into game creation, but I find the way they discuss design to be illuminating and broadly applicable. Really, their whole channel is worth checking out.

Thoughts for the future

Right now, I have to manually run my script to build the blog page. At some point, I may want to have that triggered automatically by git. I'm currently using a virtualenv for python, so getting that all to work could be interesting.