I'm moving! New job, new state, new opportunities


I have a new job! Just last week, I officially accepted a job offer from Epic Systems Corporation in Madison, Wisconsin. They make software products for healthcare providers such as hospitals and physicans, and they've invited me on as a software developer. This is a really big opportunity for me, and I'm super excited. Where other companies would have probably brought me on in temporary roles first to test me out, Epic is bringing me right into a serious development role. The company also values improving patient outcomes and providers' workflows, so the work I'll be doing will have a positive impact. It's a big step forward in my career, and it looks like a really good fit.

Epic does need me to relocate to Madison for the position, so it is time for me to finally leave Colorado. My time here has been great in so many ways. I hope to come back to visit friends and the mountains in future; I've come to love this part of the world too much to imagine leaving for good. Still, I'm at a point where a fresh start in a new place could be good for me. Madison has some of the features that brought me to the front range in the first place: a growing city, outdoor activities in close proximity, walkable and bikeable neighborhoods. It looks like a good place to land for my next step, and I will be able to afford to travel more, so I feel I'll be gaining more than I'm giving up.

I will still be in Colorado for most of August, so please reach out to me if you want to hang out before I leave! My current job will end Saturday the 18th, so I will have some open availability toward the end of the month. Thanks for everything, Colorado! It's been real.