1. Setting up a Python package

    or, Adventures in Yak Shaving

    I started working on a python package that I might eventually want to publish. I consulted the PyPI documentation to make sure I set up the directory structure correctly, and along the way I encountered a mention of pip install -e, the command that lets …

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  2. Getting sendmail to work

    or, File Permissions on Directories Matter Too

    I'm filtering my mail with Sieve via Dovecot, and the filtering piece has been working, but redirection has not. I noticed the error message from dovecot-sieve first:

    dovecot: lmtp(me@nathanmorrison.net): Error: ###: sieve: msgid=<###>:
        failed to redirect message to <shop@nathanmorrison.net …
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  3. Just signed up to tutor with StudyGate

    I just signed up to be a tutor with StudyGate. Tutoring can be fun, I've found, because it keeps me up to speed with my math and science background without requiring too much commitment. I've never found the time to invest in my own in-person tutoring practice, though. Fortunately, I …

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  4. Free Time Crunch

    Since I last posted, lots of time- and energy-consuming things have happened.

    • I moved out of my place in Fort Collins and into a storage unit.
    • My workplace went through a transformation, and we packed up the entire shop.
    • Together with my boyfriend, I drove across the Great Plains for …
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  5. Email server security certificate problems

    My first indication that something was amiss was the BlueMail client on my phone complaining about a bad certificate from my email server. I immediately opened Chrome and checked my website. The security button in the browser confirmed that the site's certificate was up to date, and because my email …

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  6. Kivy is kool

    I have been hankering for projects that can reach some shareable final result. Learning things like Haskell is fun, but I'm a long way off from producing something with a workable interface in that language. This website scratches some of that itch, but it would be nice to be able …

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  7. Working pre-commit hook

    I have a pre-commit hook working for building my blog! Some things I found out:

    • Here also it's necessary to explicitly specify git-dir and work-tree in order for git commands to work. As I mentioned in a previous post, my build script uses git log, so I had to add …
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